I want to tell a story. Last night, I fell in love with the same person again. :) Here's the story. Last year, sometime September or so, Miley's Party in the USA came out. And I searched youtube to listen to co-jammers and jam along with them. And that's when I stumbled on the BEST cover version of the song EVER. It appeared to be a simple video. They were just two guys rocking it out by themselves in your typical studio-type pad - just two average, ordinary guys of my age or somewhere around my age. Nothing special there. Except that they made pretty decent music. And with a little curiosity and just a bit of guessing, I found hints that these guys were particularly talented musicians. I scouted them a bit more, and I hit jackpot! It was love! Where it all started - I gotta stand and clap. That was great! Thank you for sharing! :) So, like I said, I clicked a bit more and I found the guy Kurt with this piano medley of Miley songs where he gave the songs a kind of differ...