the return of LOTR
no, the Lord of the Rings trilogy won't be coming back to the screen anytime soon, although reportedly, a fourth movie on the prequel The Hobbit is supposedly currently in the works and will be out in your nearest theater soon. by the title of this blogpost, i mean i shall be returning these borrowed treasures to their rightful owner, Miss LA, after they have stayed with me for a sojourn of more than a year. Haha, it took me that long to finish the esteemed trilogy. (Sorry, lala!) i could write a poem singing praises of LOTR and reliving my shared moments with the master storyteller Tolkien on the adventures in Middle-Earth...already started one but it might take several days to finish or come to a close. Lord of the Rings is definitely going down in the history of my heart as one of my most beloved book experiences in the world!!! anyway, i am sure Miss LA will be glad of their return and i can see that in the future some book seller is going to be made happy by me when i purcha...