i love new yorker cartoons. now this one's for those who read books - and get sucked into forgetting the line between the life in books and real life. :D
I thought that I should begin documenting my "firsts," something I haven't done before but maybe something I ought to begin doing now. Today was the first time I undertook to get myself an NBI clearance. This is a landmark event in my life because it means that I am no longer a student nor a child but someone who is about to become a young professional. Yep, it took me that long but I am finally getting around to grasping the concept of work and becoming a grown-up. Yay! Now I usually hate research about practical matters and I have this habit of asking others what something is or how something works, instead of just fishing the information myself (awful habit, I know), but for the sake of those who are like me, and would have rather wished to avoid the effort of finding and knowing about things yourself, here's what I can say about the NBI clearance. 1. Apparently, contrary to what the NBI official website declares, you DON'T need two valid ID's. Having just ...
The following is a vague but accurate account in my estimation. It is vague in the sense that I am not able to reproduce each utterance exactly to the letter and accurate in that it pretty much captures the gist of the conversation that took place. :) Characters: Ivy - sitting on a single sofa Abbey, Cory, and Clyde - sitting side-by-side on a three-person couch Therefore, x xxx Abbey was holding my cellphone in her hands and had undertook to play Bounce Tales. I sat to her right, a book in my hands. Clyde sits beside me, before my open laptop, reading an online article. Abbey says she doesn't like Bounce. I suggest that she might like to play Sudoku instead, but she doesn't. Cory: Don't you like Sudoku? Abbey: I do. I'm good at it. Cory: (commenting on the state of knowing you are good at something) I feel the same way, too. (nodding in agreement) I'm pretty good with words. Abbey: Sudoku is not in words. It's not a crossword puzzle. Cory: I know. What I mean...
I just wanted to have some sort of remembrance for the whole thing. For our trainer Fjel - thank you so much for making CCT a nice and wonderful experience. I enjoyed it very much; you were a great trainer and I loved your clothes and accessories. And I can't help it but I feel grateful to be given the passing grades needed to get to the next part of my training. Happy to serve! Lol. :D I hope that life will be very good to you; more power and Godspeed! Your trainee, Cory.
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