hey, that's brilliant!

LORELAI: Mom, if I may, I’d like to give you some advice.

EMILY: You would?

LORELAI: You need to develop a defense mechanism for dealing with Grandma.

EMILY: What are you talking about?

LORELAI: You just need a system, a new mindset. Take me, for example.

EMILY: What about you?

LORELAI: Well, I know there are many things in my life you don’t approve of.

EMILY: Like what?

LORELAI: Like this couch.

EMILY: Well, this couch is terrible.

LORELAI: Okay, good – you think the couch is terrible. Now, at one point in my life, you saying a couch that I carefully picked out and had to pay off over eight months is terrible might’ve hurt my feelings, but not anymore.



EMILY: Why not?

LORELAI: Because one day, I decided that instead of being hurt and upset by your disapproval, I’m gonna be amused. I’m gonna find it funny. I’m even going to take a little bit of pleasure in it.

EMILY: You take pleasure in my disapproval?

LORELAI: I encourage it sometimes just for a laugh.

EMILY: I don’t know what to think of that.

LORELAI: Think, ‘hey, that’s brilliant’, because this idea could set you free.


Well, what can I say? Nothing but "hey, that's brilliant!"

Notes: Excerpt taken from Gilmore Girls, season 3, episode 10.


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